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Sep 7, 2021Liked by Nathalie Martinek PhD

Another excellent piece signposting us to the toxic behaviour of narcissts.

The narcissist I last worked with did all of these and more:

Confided his life story and fears;

Promised he would change the inequalities I faced in my role;

Took me for coffee during a conference;

Complained about the other narcissist in the team;

Developed a 'them and us' pact against the others;

Stayed glued to my side at another conference;

Left evening events to walk me back;

Claimed he fought the organisation to retain me when he was doing his best to get me out.

Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing!

The sad fact is that without such a toxic working environment (NHS, medical Royal College) he would not have had such persuasion, but I was tired of the systemic abuse and he used that as his bait.

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