Sitemap - 2022 - Hacking Narcissism

What I covered about narcissism this year

How to keep your cool during tricky interactions with tricky people

Trust and relationship repair after betrayal at work

Trust after betrayal

Office Hours: Ask me anything about narcissism in relationships, workplaces, institutions and systems

Narcissism and narcissistic behaviours: an overview

Join my new subscriber chat

How to pushback against someone who wants revenge

How to Spot Ideas Poachers, Plagiarisers and Knowledge Vampires.

Revenge: how do you right wrongs done against you?

The path to forgiveness when you're the perpetrator of wrongdoing

Doing Empathy

Warning your friends about a bully can turn them against you

Give and take relationships are narcissistic relationships - DISCUSS

Why you can't save your friend who is now your foe's ally

Can you have boundaries with a conversational narcissist?

What would you do in this situation?

Bonus content: What to expect when you leave a toxic relationship

What to expect when you leave a toxic relationship

Ask me anything about navigating your toxic workplace and interpersonal relations

Freeing from the web of conditioning

An industry-specific look at toxic workplaces

How to listen to others who suck at listening to you

Ask a Narcissism Hacker anything about your Family System

How to protect your ego so you're always right

You might want to consider these points before going Gray Rock on someone

Institutionalized: A podcast about the cons of organizational socialization

The Toxic Relationship and Workplace Checklist

Workplace bystanders and bullies: an unpopular opinion

Ask a Narcissism Hacker anything

Q&A: How do you exit a toxic relationship safely?

When speaking up to invite behaviour change backfires

How relationship loss can set you up to trust untrustworthy people

VIDEO: Narcissism and our attraction to narcissistic people

How to know you're being played by someone you trust

Why your workplace seems like a dysfunctional family

The Dysfunctional Family System: the Origin of Relational Narcissism

These triggers could be keeping you stuck in drama

How do I know if I'm narcissistic? The answer might surprise you.

Q&A with Nathalie - silence as a conflict management strategy